Sunday, May 6, 2012

M.A. Thesis Readings!

Friday was a big day for me and my 11 classmates.  First, it was the deadline to hand in final FINAL copies of our previously approved thesis: 1) two copies tape-bound for the department archive, and 2) one copy loose, printed on acid-free paper, which will be bound (hard-cover) by the JHU printing/binding office, which will forever live in the JHU library.

Without further ado, here is a video of my reading from Friday:

Unknown to me at the time of the reading, there was indeed a full moon on the evening following the reading.

All my graduation requirements are met, and I will be receiving my degree at the end of the month!  Everyone keeps congratulating me and telling me what a big accomplishment this is.  I don't disagree, but at the same time it hasn't really sunk in yet.